Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Terra Studio's Grace & Gratitude to Benefit NWA CASA

Be sure to stop by Angel Fest THIS Saturday and Sunday at Terra Studios! The event will showcase the talent of Northwest Arkansas's women musicians. Also, Terra Studios, makers of the original Bluebird of Happiness, will introduce their newest product, Grace and Gratitude, pink and blue glass angels created especially for local charities. A percentage of the sales of these angels will benefit local non-profits that work for children in need, including CASA of Northwest Arkansas!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sponsor a CASA Child This Christmas!

There will be over 375 children in foster care this Christmas in Washington, Madison, Benton and Carroll Counties. These children are no different from our own children and grandchildren—they look forward to Christmas morning with great anticipation as a day to give and receive and spend time with loved ones. But unlike our own children and grandchildren they may have lost their families, friends, teachers, clothing, and favorite toys. Every child deserves a Christmas morning filled with joy, and we need your help to make that happen for the children in foster care in Northwest Arkansas.

CASA of Northwest Arkansas is committed to fulfilling the wishes and needs of every child in foster care this Christmas season. You can help us in this great and worthwhile endeavor by sponsoring a child’s wish list. Sponsorship is easy, and it has a huge impact on the life of a child in foster care. Join us in giving these deserving children a Christmas morning filled with joy! Contact Shelley Hart at 479-725-2213 or for more information about how to sponsor a child.