Tuesday, September 28, 2010

KNWA Features CASA in Doing Good Segment

Thank you to KNWA for raising awareness about Child Advocacy in Northwest Arkansas! CASA of NWA was featured in KNWA's Doing Good segment, a segment aired every Monday night in September highlighting organizations that are "doing good" in our community. CASA Executive Director Crystal Vickmark and volunteer advocate Ron Autry were both interviewed about the work that CASA is doing in Northwest Arkansas. There was also a follow up interview this morning with Ron Autry and Director of Development and Marketing Shea Nabholz about ways to get involved with Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children. If you missed the feature last night or follow up this morning you can still watch a clip of the segment online at KNWA's website!

Doing Good Video Clip

Follow Up Interviews

Monday, September 27, 2010

Doing Good: CASA - NWAHomePage.com

Doing Good: CASA - NWAHomePage.com

Tune in tomorrow at 6:30 AM to see CASA of NWA on the KNWA Morning Show

Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Arkansas alone 9,289 children were victims of child abuse in 2008. That number represents 13.2% of all children in Arkansas.

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services; Child Welfare Information Gateway: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/pubs/cm08/cm08.pdf

Did you know…?

  • CASA volunteers spend significantly more time in contact with a child than a paid guardian ad litem.
  • When a CASA volunteer is assigned, a higher number of services are ordered for children and families.
  • A child with a CASA volunteer is more likely to be adopted.
  • A child with a CASA volunteer is less likely to reenter the child welfare system. The proportion of reentries is consistently reduced by half.

Source: “Evidence of Effectiveness,” http://casaforchildren.org/

Advocacy has a proven, positive impact on the lives of children victimized by abuse. You can help abused children in your own community by becoming an advocate or supporting CASA of Northwest Arkansas!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to School Bag Distribution

Thank you so much to Sam’s Club, Local NWA Businesses, and all the Volunteers that donated their resources and time to make our Back to School Bag Distribution such a huge success! Because of generous donations from Sam’s Club we were able to fill almost 300 bags of new back to school clothes and shoes for every child in foster care in Northwest Arkansas. We are so appreciative of local NWA businesses and volunteers that partnered with us to pull off this event—together we can have a great impact on the life of a child, just look at the results!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pack the Park on Labor Day

Help CASA of NWA Pack the Park this Labor Day at 1 PM at the Arkansas Naturals baseball game!! Print off the coupon below and receive a discounted ticket price of $6 and $3 of your ticket will go to helping the abused and neglected children of NWA!