Wednesday, July 28, 2010

X-Mas in July = SUCCESS!

We wanted to give a special thanks to Toyota of Northwest Arkansas for putting on a successful Christmas in July even this past Saturday.

We also received $35 in cash donations, and 3 volunteer inquiries. AND, SpongeBob was there. Who doesn't love SpongeBob?

We're excited to have a head-start on our toys for the foster children this Christmas!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser

$5.00 per person all you can eat pancakes!!
when: Saturday, August 14th 8am- 10am
where: Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar
3953 W. Sunset Ave
Springdale, AR
*tickets can be purchased at the door*

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Christmas in July

Come see us this Saturday, July 24!!
There will be hot dogs, door prizes (a Wi) and a helicopter!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

CASA 101

Hey all, welcome to our blog! We hope to use this as a tool to let you know what's going on at our office, learn more about the people working behind this wonderful cause, and share our mission with you.

Check out this video we found about a California teen that is aging out of the foster care system:

CASA volunteers really provide a life-long influence on the foster children they serve. Acting as a role model and trust-worthy confidant, CASAs can help foster children transition through this process.

Have you considered being a volunteer advocate for CASA? Join us tonight for our CASA 101 session. This is an informative group meeting with our staff to learn more about the process. You must attend this before your training sessions can begin. The meeting will be held at our office from 6-8 pm. Hope to see you there!

What other causes do you support? Share your volunteer stories with us!